This web page was created as an assignment for Genetics 677, an undergraduate course at UW-Madison.

Crystal Structure

The exact structure of the lamin A protein's tail domain has not yet been crystalized and therefore, there has not been a consensus structure determined.  Below are two predicted structures for the tail domain of lamin A, these are the two most common structures referred to throughout the literature, with the one on the right being the generally accepted as the structure.  The tail domain, as discussed earlier contains the nuclear localization signal.  Images can be found at

Phosphorylation Sites

Above is a schematic detailing all of the cited phosphorylation sites within the lamin A.  By clicking on this link, you can look in detail at each site with a link to the study done to discover the various interactions. 

Trypsin Cleavage Sites

Trypsin is used to carry out various protein digestions that are useful when running gel analyses, especially when performing 2D SDS-PAGE.  103 cleavage sites were found for trypsin cleavages within a block size of 60 for the map.  By following this link you can look at the cleavage map.

Theoretical pI/Mw

Another useful tool for 2D SDS-PAGE is the pI/Mw of the protein and the different cleaved segments of the protein.  Using a prediction calculator on ExPASy, I was able to determine the pI/Mw of the entire protein and a number of the different domains.  Click on the picture to be redirected to the page containing the various predicted pI/Mw's


I researched the available microarrays of LMNA.  However, the studies were limited to HeLa cells of documented smokers.  Additionally there were no patterns of over expression or repressed expression.  Since the data was limited and did not show any pronounced patterns I did not include the data on this page.


Data collected from the following websites:, Expasy Peptide Cutter and pI/Mw calculator

Peter St. Andre   [email protected]   Last updated:2/3/09