This web page was created as an assignment for Genetics 677, an undergraduate course at UW-Madison.

DNA Sequence Motifs

Using MOTIF with a 95 score cutoff, LMNA gene had 24 different sequence motifs.  Of these 24, heat shock factor proteins in Drosophila melongaster and yeast had the highest motif score values. However, a myoblast determining factor, with a 97 score, and its gene product, with a 95 score, were interesting motifs to uncover.  Though not directly related to HGPS, myoblasts are stem cells found in muscular tissue.  Interestingly, another disease, Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, is caused by mutations in the LMNA gene and its effects are found in skeletal muscle tissue (1).  An integral part of this disease is nuclear membrane abnormalities, the same type of cause in HGPS.  Again though not directly related to the lamin abnormalities seen in HGPS, this motif clearly is involved in membrane integrity.

The matrices used to find these motifs can be found using the following links:
myoblast determining factor
myoblast determining factor gene product

Note mRNA sequence data of LMNA gene isoform 1 were used in motif throughput.

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